Mandatory Courses

Name Codes Univ. Lecturer ECTS Q
Principles of Data Protection 2IMS25 TU/e Zannone 5 1
Cryptology 2MMC10 TU/e Lange 5 1
Software Security NWI-IMC051, 2IRU15 RU Poll 5 1+2
Security in Organisations NWI-IMC053, 2IRU20 RU Verheul 5 1+2
Verification of Security Protocols 2IMS15 TU/e Etalle, den Hartog 5 3
Advanced Network Security NWI-IMC050, 2IRU25 RU Hoepman 5 3+4

Warning: the courses Software Security and Security in Organisations also exist under the (old) 6EC course codes, NWI-ISOFSE and NWI-I00153, but these should not be used for the TRU/e master.